Entry for All Competitions

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - before submitting any entries!

Each player who wishes to enter - as an individual or a team for any Competition - must first log-in and Register for an online account - before submitting any entries.   Another person - may - take action on behalf of a player who wishes to enter BUT MUST COMPLETE AN INDIVIDUAL ONLINE REGISTRATION AND MAKE ANY ENTRIES - IN THE NAME OF THE PERSON WHO WISHES TO SUBMIT AN ENTRY!    ENTRIES TO MEN'S COMPETITIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED UNDER THE NAME OF - A MAN - AND SIMILARLY WOMEN'S COMPETITIONS SHOULD BE ENTERED UNDER THE NAME OF A WOMAN.  

All Entries must be submitted under a players own name - with a unique email address and password.  It is suggested that a player does not use their own personal password - but uses one that other members of the team can be aware of - and use in an emergency.

Any player who has registered on the system and wishes to play his competitions from a different Club this season - must contact the Competition Secretary to get the club he is recorded against changed.   A player does not have the ability to change his club, once he is on the system.


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